October 16, 2011

trying to push the guilt away~

sometimes the guilt suddenly arises in me. a lovely sister once said to me about how we need to walk through zillions people in Mahsyar just to search for ONE person to ask for his/her apology..

come to think of it, there'll be hundreds (or thousands) of people i need to search later in the Mahsyar. so it's definitely millions time easier to ask for forgiveness now,in this very earth. but i could
...n't simply ask people to forgive,could i? what if the whole thing has been a secret? won't it hurt to tell them the truth that they never knows of? will they actually forgive me?

oh.the thought of these already makes me sick. let alone telling them.

p.s: this is just some rambling thought of mine. but have u ever feel guilty as i am,dear friends? even if it's small,i think we should start apologizing now. no offense ya.

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